丹麦奥尔胡斯大学工程系郭铮副教授应邀来食品科学与工程系作学术报告 2019年7月1日上午,丹麦奥尔胡斯大学郭铮副教授应理工学院副院长汪勇研究员邀请,在第二理工楼507会议室为食品科学与工程系师生作学术报告并进行交流,食品科学与工程系30余名师生参加。报告会由汪勇副院长主持。 汪勇副院长首先介绍了郭铮副教授的基本情况和近几年的研究成果,并对他的到来表示热烈欢迎。随后,郭铮副教授作题为“Perspectives of Long Chain Aliphatic Molecules from Rice Bran for Skin Care Applications”的学术报告,深入浅出地介绍了天然米糠可作为一种新型的可持续性牙合结构剂和绿色牙合材料从而应用于皮肤护理的相关研究,同时指出米糠蜡是一种优良的长链脂肪族植物源,用于合成TEWL防赋形剂的分子,通过必要的水解过程可获得超长链脂肪酸。报告内容新颖,图文并茂,激发了与会师生们的浓厚兴趣。 (郭铮副教授作学术报告) 报告结束后,油脂生物炼制与营养创新团队成员和郭铮副教授进行了进一步的交流讨论,大家结合自己的课题方向分别提出了自己的疑问和看法,郭铮副教授均耐心细致地进行答疑交流,现场气氛活跃。 会后,汪勇副院长邀请郭铮副教授参观了食品科学与工程系实验室并合影留念。
报告人简介: |
Ph.D. Associate Prof. Zheng Guo
Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, Denmark.
Professor Guo received his B.S. degree in Applied Chemistry at Tianjin University in 1992. He then went on to receive his Ph.D. in 2004 in Biochemical Engineering at Tianjin University. After that, he joined Technical University of Denmark as a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of BioCentrum-DTU from 2004 to 2008. And he became Research Associate Professor at Department of Molecular Biology, Aarhus University, Denmark during 2008-2011. Now, He is an Associate Professor (faculty) in Department of Engineering, Aarhus University .He has Peer-reviewed SCI papers: 140; with >2700 citations; H-index: 29; Conference contributions and proceedings: >76 Published world and US patents; 4; Co-authors of books: 3+1; Chapter contributions to scientific books: 12 and is an Associate Editor of J. Am. Oils Chem. Soc. (2019-); Editorial board of “Austin Food Sciences” (2016, 1-); Adjunct Prof. for Wuhan Oilcrops Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science (2017-); Adjunct Prof. for Henan University of Technology (2017-).