题 目:Convenient Security Protocols for Computers, Mobiles, and Microcontrollers
主讲人:许志光 博士
主持人:陈 哲 教授
时 间:
地 点:蒙民伟理工楼309会议室
With the extensive usage of information technology, Internet, and smart equipment such as intelligent mobiles, the demand of applying information security and cryptography research into practical systems in ever increasing. Security system design becomes a multi-disciplinary research involving cryptography, software system, as well as different hardware equipment. This talk reports different projects in CISC (Center for Information Security & Cryptography), HKU, which addresses different research problems including cryptographic protocols, hardware components in security system design. All these projects reflect the inter-disciplinary nature of modern security research.
许志光博士(Dr.Lucas C.K. Hui),香港大学信息安全与密码学研究中心(CISC)的创始人和荣誉主任,香港大学计算机科学系副教授。许博士在香港大学计算机科学系获学士和硕士学位,在加州大学戴维斯分校获博士学位。主要研究方向为信息安全、计算机取证以及应用密码学,包括认证服务安全、移动网络安全、智能电网安全、车联网安全及软硬件结合的安全系统等。发表了过百篇国际论文,主持过多个与IT安全相关的项目。2011年起,许博士受香港特区政府资讯科技总监办公室任命为《认可核证机关业务守则》(Code of Practice for Recognized Certification Authorities)顾问委员会成员。